In this digitized world, most people are moving towards NFT to grow their businesses with huge funds. Currently, the development of non-fungible tokens has gained global attention because of the potential for creating fully-fledged companies. Let’s know what the BEP 721 Token development is.

Imagine owning a digital asset that no one in the world has. That’s truly yours no one can claim or copy it. Even the items you collect in the game were really yours and were not considered as you borrowed from the gaming platform. That’s the wonder of BEP-721 tokens.

BEP-721 tokens are like proofs that say the digital asset belongs to you, like the certificates seen in the real world. 

Now, we look deeper into this topic and see how BEP 721 Token Development helps your NFT Platform throughout this blog.

What is BEP-721 Token?

BEP-721 is the token standard that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) within the Binance ecosystem, and its functions are similar to the BEP-20 token standard.

It will become an official standard when the community reviews and approves the proposal. The BEP-721 standard was created to enable the tracking and transferring of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in smart contracts.

BEP-721  works as a standard interface for NFTs and provides clear policies that make working with these tokens easier. 

These tokens represent ownership of specific data separately from BEP-20 tokens. It allows developers to create multiple identical tokens in a single smart contract, unlike BEP20.

It gives a unique ID for each token. This uniqueness allows BEP-721 tokens to represent unique non-fungible goods.

Standard Functionalities of BEP- 721 Token

BEP-721 describes a set of functionalities that help wallets display essential information about tokens. This makes it easy for existing wallets to display basic information about these tokens.

Name   Specifies the name of the token that other contracts will use to identify it.
SymbolA simple name for the token, similar to a ticker symbol.
BalanceOfDisplays the token balance for some specific address.
TotalSupplyShows the overall amount of tokens supplied.
TokenMetadataThis feature allows metadata to be integrated into a token that links to an original art file or another collectible NFT component.
Standard Functionalities of BEP- 721 Token

Why Do You Need a BEP 721 Token Development?

Here I will point out the reason why you need BEP 721 Token Development.


The BEP-721 Token establishes a straightforward and uniform protocol for the creation and management of NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Before BEP-721, various platforms and developers employed diverse methods for NFTs, leading to confusion and compatibility challenges.

So now, BEP-721  allows all parties to follow the same rules and helps to use NFTs easily created on one platform or traded on another.

This standardization serves as a common language for NFTs, facilitating seamless collaboration between different systems.

Low Fees

The main benefit of using Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is that it has substantially lower transaction fees than Ethereum. Ethereum’s popularity results in high gas fees, especially in peak times.

The expenses can accumulate rapidly, leading to high costs when creating, purchasing, or selling NFTs.

In contrast, BSC provides much more affordable fees. This allows users to create and trade NFTs with BEP-721 without the concern of high expenses cutting into their profits.

Developers find this cost-effectiveness especially attractive because it enables them to create and test NFT projects at a lower expense.


Scalability indicates how the system handles an increasing amount of users. Binance smart chain uses a consensus mechanism known as Proof of stake authority (PoSA) that helps enable transactions faster than Ethereum’s proof of work (POW).

This is very essential for applications that handle various transactions like NFT Markets. 

If an NFT platform becomes more popular and receives more traffic, BSC can quickly handle multiple transactions and ensure that users do not experience delays or network congestion.

This high performance is very essential to maintaining a smooth and efficient experience for users and developers. It’s time to unwrap how this token development will help the NFT industry.

How BEP 721 Token Development Help The NFT Industry?

BEP-721 token development is a better move in the NFT industry and it helps in many ways to grow. Here I will point out some of the instances where how BEP 721 Token Development helps the NFT industry.

Yup! We explored why we need  BEP-721, and now it is essential to know how this token helps the NFT industry, Let me break it down for you here. 

Token Creation 

Developers produce NFTs through the implementation of the BEP-721 standard.

This standard serves as a guide that guarantees every NFT is distinct and can possess its own unique features for digital artwork, a collectible, or even virtual real estate.

By following these guidelines, developers can attach specific details and information to each NFT to ensure that it stands out and is easily recognizable.

Trading and Ownership 

NFTs created using the BEP-721 standard can be traded like any other item. People used to buy, sell, and trade these NFTs on online platforms that utilize Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

The details of the person who won a specific token were registered on a blockchain, that works like a secure digital ledger. Blockchain allows everyone to view ownership details, promoting transparency and safeguarding against any alterations.


These tokens can be integrated into different kinds of applications, such as gaming, digital art galleries, and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. Also, offers users a variety of experiences and features.

How BEP-721 Differs from Others 

We saw how BEP – 721 Token is used before, now we will explore how this token differs from others

BEP-721 vs ERC-721

BEP-721 ERC-721 
Operates on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)Operates on Ethereum 
Low transaction cost because of its low gas costHigher transaction costs, especially during peak hours 
Connected to Binance’s ecosystem, including its decentralized exchange and various applications built on the Binance Smart Chain.Part of Ethereum’s extensive ecosystem,which offers a wider variety of marketplaces and tools. 
BEP-721 vs ERC-721

BEP- 721 vs ERC- 1155

BEP – 721 ERC-1155
Only unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can be used, with each token being individual.Supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens in a single contract
Each NFT operation is handled individually Process batch operations, which helps handle large amounts of tokens way more efficiently.
Ideal for projects that need one-of-a-kind NFTs.Ideal for complex applications, where multiple tokens are used like gaming. 
BEP- 721 vs ERC- 1155

Use Cases of BEP 721 Token

  • Gaming. 
  • Digital and Physical arts. 
  • Event Tickets.
  • Music. 
  • Metaverse.
  • Educational certificates. 
  • Charity and Fundraising. 

Let us end up here!

Why Choose Zodeak For BEP 721 Token Development

Were you thinking about BEP 721 token development? Zodeak is one of the best NFT Token Development Company. With a strong foundation in developing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), We provide in-depth expertise and innovative solutions to guarantee that your project is safe, adaptable, and customized to meet your requirements.

With a focus on blockchain technology, our talented developers are here to support you in building distinctive non-fungible tokens that will differentiate your platform from others out there.

At, we focus on bringing your ideas to life. Our extensive services range from the early planning stages to continuous support after your launch, guaranteeing a smooth and effective BEP 721 Token development experience.

Zodeak always prioritizes quality and security to ensure that your NFT platform is well-equipped to thrive in a competitive market.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in exploring the blockchain realm. And don’t hesitate to reach out to Zodeak, and begin the process of BEP-721 token development soon.